6 Articles
Six Articles of Faith
In Islam, Muslim doctrine is often summarized in "Six Articles of Faith." These are the fundamental beliefs which every Muslim must ascribe to

1. Belief in Allah (G'D)
This article means to believe that Allah is the One G'D to whom worship is due; that He is the Creator and the Sustainer of everything, and that He is Unique in His Names and Attributes.

2. Belief in His Angels
Allah has created the angels from light. They are honorable servants of Allah; they obey Him and execute His Commands.Allah created them to worship Him, and only Allah knows how many they are in number.

3. Belief in His Books
Belief in His Books is believing that Allah the Exalted did in reality reveal Books to His Messengers to convey them to their people. Those Books comprise the Speech of Allah.

4. Belief in His Messengers
Muslims attest that Allah did send Messengers to every nation inviting them to worship Him Alone. This belief also entails denouncing all gods that are worshipped besides Allah or instead of Him.

5. Belief in the Last Day
Muslims attest to the truth of everything Allah or His Messenger sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam ( may Allah exalt his mention ) said about death. Allah has not created His creation in vain. Islam is the precondition for the acceptance of any good deed.

6. Preordainment (Qadar)
Muslims believe in God’s eternally preexistent knowledge and that nothing in existence lies outside of His eternal control.Allah has pre-assigned portions of everything in the Preserved Tablet.
Every muslim needs to realize the
Importance of the “Pillars” of Islam
Islam is based on five pillars, which are the outward actions visible to all.
Read more
Belief in one G’D




Time of Salat
Prayer Times
05.35 amDhuhr
1.30 pmAsr
4.30 pmMaghrib
5.55 pmIsha
Abdul’Haq Muhammed is the Imam of the Center for Islam and Cultural Awareness. He is a native of Harlem, New York City. His work has taken him to other countries, particularly North and West Africa, meeting with leaders concerning business and educational opportunities. He offers a thought-provoking and informed perspective that does not fail to challenge and engage. He has completed the pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. He founded the Quality Life Center more than 20 years ago in order to meet the needs of under-served areas in Southwest Florida in a way that is respectful and empowering. He developed programs to enhance character development, combat violence and drug abuse, and raise academic achievement. He continues to serve as the organization’s Executive Director.
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